Thursday, December 16, 2010

I have chosen the photo's below because in addition to supporting media effects with the videos to enhance the viewers pleasurable experience I also support the use of original photos, which these are, that have not been enhanced or made to look unnaturally beautiful. Like the dove commercial we watched that gave insight as to what the media goes through to advertise a product. These pictures are examples of natural beauty which can be done without photoshopping or using a high end camera. In a lot of cases it is the object itself that is the attraction and not how someone can take that object and mold it into unachievable perfection. You can't get anymore beautiful than natural beauty. I say that for a number of reasons but the most important one is because it is always beautiful, it's real, and it it possible not just on a screen or a billboard. I chose these pictures because Alaska is a place that people can see pictures of and think "what a beautiful place, I want to go there someday," and when they get there they find that it is the same as what they saw in the picture and they are not disappointed. 

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