Thursday, December 16, 2010

Media Effects

This blog's topic is titled "Farming in Alaska." The theme throughout the blog that you will notice is "media effects." The reason I chose farming as a topic is because if you are not the one operating the equipment and is just a spectator of the events that unfold before you then it gets pretty boring after a while.
I chose to take a topic that is boring to watch (farming) and spice it up with media effects. This is to give an example on why media effects are so important in the media industry. Media takes regular clips or events and spices them up to get peoples adrenaline going, or get them psyched about whatever the media wants people to be excited about. It is not just for excitement but also for any type of emotion such as anger, frustration, confusion, compassion, etc. That is the power of media effects.
The media industry, and also amateurs or anyone who is involved in media, uses many different media effects to promote or enhance the effects of the film. They use music, scene themes, transitions, slow motion, etc. Producers have all of these options for targeting specific emotions and trying to draw in as many people from different target audiences as they can. You can see a professional example of this on sports center when they play the highlight real from the past games of any sport. The best ones I have seen are from basketball and football. They get camera shots from down low where the action is in your face, put the clip in slow motion and add some replay then link it up with a good beat and you have got a pretty intense and powerful clip. Which is a different feeling you get then when you saw it for real in the game. That is the whole difference that media effects put on it. When you see the original you get a, “wow” feeling but when you watch the newly enhanced version you get a, “that was amazing” feeling.
As you watch the videos of the tractors you can imagine how boring it would be without the music and other effects put in there to keep your attention. One example of something boring to watch is tennis. If I was any good at playing it then I might enjoy watching it, maybe a little more than I do now. But the guys that produce those sports center highlights of tennis are trying to target people like me to draw us in. They took a boring sport and touched it up with appropriate media effects including quick transition clips to show you a whole bunch of action shots in a short amount of time and occasionally throw in the clip of that one guy who threw his racket in frustration 10 years ago, just to add more drama to the sport.


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